Sunday, January 16, 2011

This week's highlights!

I'm going to bore you all with just one more post today. It's been a really crazy week and life has completely flipped upside down and gotten turned inside out! 

On the 8th I started a second job with a new company. So far I'm enjoying it... it's pretty relaxed work, I can come to work in sweats if I really feel the need to do so. And I'm being paid more than I would be in a retail position. This new job has allowed us a bit more squeak-room in our budgeting, which is AWESOME. Why is that? 

Well, Rory had Monday (the 10th) off, and spend much of that day hunting for an apartment for the two of us. We love our current landlords, they treat us SO well, but our one-bedroom basement suite is tooooo small. We have no storage space at ALL, and so all of our belongings are very cluttered. He phoned me while I was at work to tell me that he found an apartment, had seen it and LOVED it (and thought that I would too), so he asked if I'd be okay with him putting in an application for it. 

Generally speaking, I trust him implicitly. We've been together for a while and he knows me and my taste in accommodations (and our spatial needs) really well. So he put in the application (after having to phone me for *my* information on it). After a few days' worth of waiting (and the girl from the office phoning me yesterday to ask if I had an alternate number for our current landlords), Rory got a phone call yesterday afternoon-- we got the place ! We're moving!!

Our move-in date is set for February 1st, unless the current tenant moves out faster and the rental company can get in there sooner to steam-clean everything. I'm SO excited, this place is double the size of our current basement suite, on the 12th floor of the building. And it's a two bedroom, 1.5 bathroom. YAY!

So it suffices to say that now we're packing up everything. We went to Costco yesterday after we finished work and bought an 8-pack of rolls of packing tape, hehe. Hopefully that's enough .

Okay, not gonna lie, I've been halfheartedly packing for about two weeks in the anticipation of actually finding a place. I didn't want to do ALL of it-- #1, because we do need clean laundry to wear to work, and not the same three things over and over (well, for me at least. As long as Rory washes his stuff he's fine, right?), and #2 just in case things bombed out and we DIDN'T find a place, then there's not so much to try to unpack again. But seeing as how we've got a place now, the latter isn't a problem. 

Now, the problem is finding some semi-organized manner in which to pack everything up and make sure it's labeled properly. While at the same time working two jobs (50 hours a week) and trying to get a semi-reasonable amount of sleep in between. And maintaining a hardly-read blog (ha?).

I'm not gonna lie, aside from the whole apartment thing... well, nothing overly interesting happened this week. Aside from going to David and Kylie's apartment last night and hanging out with them and playing with their kitten Bowie (Yes, my friend David has a cat named Bowie. Awesome, n'est-ce pas?). 

I discovered last night that the cat allergy I had when I was little is pretty much gone now, which is AWESOME. My grandmother used to have three cats (named Emily, Murphy and Doggie) that she had to get rid of because I was so allergic to them when I was little. I feel kinda guilty about that. At any rate, it wasn't a full-out "discovery" last night... I'd been suspecting it for a while (after having spent a lot of time at Rory's parents' place playing with the barn cats, and with other friends who have feline companions), but the fact that Rory had a (teeny) reaction to Bowie last night and I had none at all really solidified it for me.

YAY! I'm still stupidly allergic to a lot of dog breeds (including Golden Retrievers, I get SO sick being around those), but this is progress!!

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