Day 6 - A song that makes you cry and why
Day 7 - Favorite movies
Day 7 - Favorite movies
It suffices to say that by the time we got home last night and did the running around we needed to to, I was far too tired to do anything other than crawl into bed and quietly call for Rory to come tuck me in and cuddle me. No jokes.
SO, I have to combine two days. No big deal, just more writing for me to do!
A song that makes (me) cry and why:
The only song that I can really think of that would remotely fit the bill here is "Traveling Soldier" by The Dixie Chicks. Don't know why, but it makes me all awkwardly emotional... that tight feeling in your chest and raw feeling in your throat when you might cry? Yeah, that.
I think it's because I'm just weird and very attached to Rory, and he to me. Neither of us could really stand to lose the other. Mushy mushy mushy.
My favorite movies...
This one could go on for a while.
Brick, directed by Rian Johnson. Watched this movie in my Film Studies 15 class in high school as part of our film noir segment, and LOVED it. Lovelovelove.
I introduced it to Rory a few months back, and he thinks it's just as awesome as I do. ;) And no wonder it's so amazing, it's a Sundance submission!!
And for your viewing pleasure, the trailer:
Seriously. Watch this movie. You will NOT regret it.
Okaaay, movie #2!
V for Vendetta. Another movie I've loved since high school. And if you're one of those comic book snobs who will scoff and say "the graphic novel was better", I've read it! And I still love the movie. And yes, I do understand why Evey's character was changed so much... although I like the ending of the GN much more.
Nonetheless, LOVE. Epicness in all of its best forms. Plus, Hugo Weaving!
I tend to prefer movies that are a bit more political/literary in nature... I'm not much of a "kick to the crotch comedy" type of person. Grew up watching war movies with my dad.
All things considered, though... I'm much more of a book person than I am a movie person. :)
"Traveling Soldier" does it for me too, always has. Same with "Whiskey Lullaby" and "I will follow you into the dark"
I *love* "I will follow you into the dark" =) If I had to pick a song that was definitive as far as how I feel about Rory goes, that would probably be it. =)
Traveling Soldier makes me bawl like a baby. "My Name" by George Canyon is also really sad, it's about a stillbirth from the perspective of the baby. And "The Cat Carol"...holy shit, that song plays and I break. It's pathetic.
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