Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Wordpress Woes.

So, I'm at work right now.

And since I don't have a heck of a lot to do today, I figured that it would be a good, semi-productive idea for me to work on the wordpress blogsite that I'm attempting to put together for the clinic.

Holy beans, I can't freaking stand Wordpress. I don't understand how to use it AT ALL... Blogpress is so nice and straightforward for me: I'm impatient and oftentimes lazy as all get-out, so when I want to tinker with my layout I can do it really easily. I made my blog header banner in an afternoon when I had nothing to do. Widgets are easy to use, and the formatting is all customizable.

I'm sure WP is the same... but I'm not used to it and it's frustrating me, so I'm whining.

Whine whine whine.

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