Sunday, January 2, 2011


Day 01 - A picture of yourself with fifteen facts

  1. As annoying as it is when certain people *coughRorycough* make fun of me for being short, I still love it.
  2. My little sister is my best friend, but we only became close when I moved out of our parents' house. 
  3. Being with Rory is the longest relationship I've had so far, and neither of us sees this ending anytime soon (<3)
  4. The vast majority of my friends are male because, by and large, I hate girls. I loathe how shallow and vapid so many of them are, and how they get upset for the STUPIDEST reasons. 
  5. I have a hard time sleeping if Rory isn't home.
  6. I'm not afraid of spiders, but they definitely squick me out. I'll see a spider, kill it, and THEN freak out about it afterwards. 
  7. I hate my teeth. I need braces, but we can't afford them. It drives me nuts.
  8. Around Christmas, I can't eat about 80% of the baked goods that circulate because there are nuts in practically EVERYTHING. As such, my mom has taken to making nut-free versions of a lot of things for me :) 
  9. I like being around people, but large groups of strangers freak me out. I get really antisocial and quiet. 
  10. I snore. But so does Rory, so it's okay. 
  11. I also talk in my sleep, especially if someone tries to wake me up and I only get halfway there. They're usually rewarded with groggy, incoherent mumbling that makes no sense. 
  12. I love music and books. They fuel me.
  13. I also forget to eat breakfast a lot. Tea is a good replacement, right?
  14. Our Christmas tree is still up. I'm almost considering adding MORE ornaments to it (I got a box of icicle ornaments from my parents for Christmas, haha)... but I know that I *should* take it down. I'm torn. 
  15. It's Elizabeth's birthday today, she's 17 now and it makes me feel old.

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