Monday, December 13, 2010

.tleppihS nayR rof si tsop sihT

.ti sdaer ydobon wonk I nehw gnitsop emal leef I esuaceB .golb ym wollof ot elpoep erom teg dluohs uoy dnA
(eheh ,php.txet_esrever_ot_trevnoc/moc.esacelggot.www//:ptth ta retrevnoc emosewa na dnuof I ,yllaer ton tub) slliks gnitsop ym yb deniatretne eb ot teg uoy ,srewollof golb teg I ...niw htob ew ,yllautcA .NIW I naht rehtO .yas ot esle gnihtyna fo kniht t'nac yllaer I tub ,tsop trohS
 .sdrawkcab *dna* nwod-edispu ,AH
 .dlrow eht ni ssenippah eht lla uoy hsiw I dna elpuoc elbaroda na er'uoy ,atsyrK dna uoy ot stargnoC
 (; si ti ereh dna tsop sdrawkcab a uoy desimorp I


Tleppihs Nayr said...


Andraea said...

no it's not, it's being resourceful!

Tleppihs Nayr said...

It's not quite right. lol. Everything is backwards but punctuation is not reversed how I do it. :)

Siht ekil tsuj!

and you read each line backwards, but from the top down :)

blowfish said...
