Thursday, December 9, 2010

Oi! Readers!!

I know you're out there! I see my Feedjit stats. And I remember to delete my own IP address... so I'm not the only one who reads my rambling! I can see readers in Houston, Kelowna, Sidney, Coquitlam and Calgary... and more! And yes, I realize how weird and creepy I probably sound right now.

Please, please, PLEEEEASE... comment! Subscribe! Tell your friends and your OWN readers to subscribe!!! It's so encouraging for me! 

And along with that, the more subscribers I have and the more feedback I get, the sooner I'll be able to start doing giveaways and contests! Which is actually something I reallllly want to do. Along with owning my own home and a Subaru Impreza WRX *and* a 2010 Camaro. But having enough readers that I can start doing giveaways and contests is a LOT more feasible right now ;)

Not only that, but I don't even mind negative feedback-- when I'm just being stupid and weird and making no sense at all. I like getting suggestions as to how I can be more interesting/captivating/easier to read/less weird, too. Can't guarantee that I'll take all of said suggestions, but it's nice to have them there!


Seriously though, I know there are more than five of you out there. Show yourselves!!


edit: holy bananas I used a lot of exclamation marks. BUT IT'S WORKING! Hehehe.


Tleppihs Nayr said...

you should write everything backwards.

Andraea said...

Ryan, I will write a full entry completely backwards if you subscribe ;)

Becca said...

Your shameless self-promotion worked :p

Andraea said...

I was hoping that it would ;)

Tleppihs Nayr said...


Andraea said...

And I'll write that completely-backwards entry tomorrow :) Need some time to think of something witty to say, hehe.